so if you read a previous post made on july 5th you would get a glimpse into the lives of 4 of the greatest teenagers alive on this earth right now. None of em are famous but all of em have such elaborate skills you'd think they were masters of design. if you put the 4 brains of them together trouble is always present. So of course i'm talking about my crew, formerly and currently (for now) known as FOTB. yeah, we a band, so what? we just coo like that. but one of the members recently wrote a tribute to us, like we were dead, ha. anyways so i guess it's my turn to speak my piece about my friends and family. these 3 other females i know are the closest ones friends i have to me (not meant to hurt others who are friends :) ) i spend about 80% of my life with them, really no lie. we do everything together, without them i think i'd be one of those kids who go home after school, stay home on weekends and wish they could see more of the outside world. everyweeekend we find something crazy and random to do. ie: bike riding around town at 4 in the morning, parties, night time rendezvous, camping on the deck, planning the weekend events at the mafia table in my house and so much more but idont wanna put everything on blast out here, you can't make blogs private haha. so anyways my friends are thee best people ever even though they make me so mad and i threaten to kill them a lot. i stilll love them like family- well.... sometimes
sooooo we'll go from longest known to shortest knownCOURTNEY-
codename- whatever we give her at the moment
Jobtitles: friend finder, complainer & idea planner
-somehow from 6th grade to now we've metamorphasized into twins, how i don't know. you are the one who causes me the most problems out of the group. i remmeber when we first became friends, we fought on the daily. and we'd plan eachothers demise. now, we are all grown up now, well not really cos we're still childish but we don't fight as much. & it feels oh so nice. remember the other day when we just kicked it us two? that was craazy cos we never do that. its always atleast threee of us. you're the one who always wanna do bad stuff in my presence but when we be at your house we can't do nothing. you be tryna get me caught up and don't tryna help! haha but enough about the okay things- the better things, remember when.... dang i can't think of anything good right now. everything we do we gfight about and in the end we always look backja nd say good memories. our friendships a goood memory all together.
code name- thomas & token
Job title: terrorist, clowner & cheaapy.
-the terrorist in the group. i met you 2nd cos you're courtneys bestfriend. we calll you token out of love even though you hate it with a passion. eveyrhint you do is comical, EVERYTHING. every fight you get into, every conversation story and everything. thomas is the closest one to me in attitudes, the other 2 are boy crazy girls and me and you are the one who constantly clown on everything we pass by. being freshout the boxx made us closer to you thomas cos no one really knew you except courtney and now you're the terrorist who brings bombs with us wherever we go. you're the best cos you're ALWAYS down for anything, parties and what not, you have no parental leash like me :) token is the hype man in the band cos she's a crazy one who refuses to rap.
Danielle M
job title- singer, crazy lunatic and moocher. :)
- you're last but i dont know if you're least. we always call ya beastly and you never have a problem with it, it's funny. you are the crazy one even though iknow we are all crazy, we think you're extra cos you have different personalities and it's hilarious to watchwhen they come out in the group. mcdeezy my beezy is the one always worried about time and doing something, you and your hyperactive self! :) you have a short fuse at times and i always go off on you! i try to toughen you up but i'd say you were like the emotional one in the group. i dont think any of us show our feelingsp, well courtney maybe but you are the one who is the feeling sharer or whatever haha. you're the one in the group who is a daydreamer , when you aren't beinga lunatic in the street you're a mellow emotional kidd and that's why we kick it with you, you're different but the same as us. it's funny when you get let out of the house when we kick it cos you got the loudest mouth out of all of us and i dont think i'd picture that. when you go crazy you have no limits, i remember when you ran around my house naked; you're the only person i'd know who'd do that. me and takeda love messing with you and i find it so funny when you and takeda fight. it brings tears of joy to my eyes. hahaha.
so basically were just a bunch of kidds in teenagers bodies who love to party and have fun
& that's the crew, alot of it may sound negative but nothing about it is. all of the so called negatives is what makes us friends. because if we were all positive, emotional and the same we'd get on eachothers nerves and never be friends. the one thing we all do have in common is the fact that we really truely are crazy. and when one of us has a problem some how we all take on that problem and we solve the issue. we never leave another one hanging (well atleast for not very long) we beef with eachother but within a day we'll all be back to normal. we get on eachother's nerves but we have no problem sayin it to eachothers face. we've all created a tough love- type relationship as friends and gone through just about everything. without these hoes life just wouldn't be as interesting. and i know they love me :) i'd say we've all been down since day one, but honestly that's not how it was. we had to grow to like eachother because of our strange differences but now it's day 91383847294220438 we've been down for a good while. so catch us four on the walking, biking, bussing or stuntin in the whip through a hood near you real soon :)n the takeover has officially begun.
oh yeah; i love you hoes like no other hoes cos you MY hoes. haha :)
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