Monday, July 28, 2008

boys boys boys boys

i've never been a boy crazy type girl and i have my friends to thank for that. they have all the luck! haha boy problems and all, i've probably talked to at least 5 girls today with boy problems. i cant count all of them, yeaup 5. sometimes i can't believe how much time they spend worying about petty boys. but then i can see why they're caught up in the fascination with them, they're quite intersesting sometimes and when you find the right one its always a joy. i remember i said i wanted something like that but talking to all these females makes me remmeber why i'm happy RIGHT where i'm at. alone, happy, doing me and being FABULOUS. :) sorry to all you girls out there who are major stressin over some guy. just remember, do what makes YOU happy, no one else. :)
peaaaace and love and fabulosity for all

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