Number one faker of the day is the
don't you hate when people front to supposedly get ahead? this is one of the biggest pet peeves of mine. like really? you're not that great so you have to fake it till you make it? this is one of those times you DONT fake it til you make it cos you'll never make it, and if you do you have no substance to you're life. i dislike people who front about what they do. why do you lie about what you do?! if you have no job, say it then cos i'm no one to tell you about yourself, reffering to the other blog, at the end of the day its about YOU not worrying about what people think of you but what you think of yourself. like really why are you lying to me? it don't do ntohing for me for you to lie it just puts a false image in my head about you and i can probably tell and won't care for you. and i hate people who act like they're so much better than they are, yeah i'm up for the whole, boost my self-confidence but not in that way, especially if its in a negative way. this also mixes in with the person who can talk a whole lot but in the end can't back it up, and around me it's crazy because it's never anything positive, it'll be about gang affiliation being in a gang, bout to fight someone or anything ultra violent. you and everyone you know knows you're not about to do anything, you aint got no gun you won't fight no one and if you do you're stupid cos you're lifes over. people believe they're so hard but when it comes down to the real situation you flead and run your mouth some more. people like this need a good hit to the face and a few punches and maybe theyll quit actin so tough.
another imposter who is probably the most sneaky one is the
and this is their fultime job, if you put in so much effort to copy why dont you just put in the effort to do the work and learn something huh? this is the kid who always try to get ahead in class by lying and what not. kids like that who have beter grades than me but do less work, cheat lie and copy deserve no love! but then i realize that when you're grown youll realize that you don't have nothing going for you. i know cheatin because you didn't study for the test once in a while is coo, we all do it! but changing your grades, lying to the teacher andall that is WEAK. i be so brittle about the situation when i see kids do it. and i need to get away from it before i slowly sink into that mind set that it's okay.
my last imposter i dislike is the follower. this person can't think for their own, can't function alone and thinks they're a screw up if they don't have anyone around. these are the worst kinds because if you leave them around someone who has a little more self confidence it'll be like 2 replicas of one person. what happens when the person with self confidence leaves you and you have noting left for yourself? you can't go an cling on to someone else, well i mean you can and that's probably what you'll do but still its bad. i can see if you're new and need friends, but to fit in you do everything the same way someone else does, it's a little creepy. what makes me sad is when i knew someone for a long time and i know them now and they're completely different from back then. change is good, identity theft not so much. can you please stop copyin peoples moves because more than likely the pesron you aspire to be like isn't even that great! and now there's t2 more dead beats in the world to add to a collection. you're just not cute when you do al that, and you just want more negative attention. people will start to not like you if they haven't already.
so this one has nothing to do with fakers but i thought i might as well add it in. don't you hate when people try to tell you about yourself?! people always got something to say but it can't ever be nothing positive. it's happend to me a few times but sometimes it's just too much. people who are caught up in others lives so much they don't have one themselves. don't come at me with the "you don't know nothing phrase" most likely i know alot more than you do and you tryna find something out over here and thats why you came up to me. this is in connection with the first type of imposter i wrote about. people who are hard get so brittle when you ask them what they're really boutta do and they hit you with the "you dont know nothing, you're not hart" excuse me!? if it comes down to it, we can go at it right now. but that's just the angry bitter person that probably lives inside all of us. hahaah. i unleashed mine for 2.5 seconds, you won't see it in a real long time cos i'm smarter than that to fightg and throw stuff away. im headed to the top remember?
oh yeah, and people be so concerned whether or not blogs be about them, FYI sweetheart, this AINT about you. it' sjust observations i've made throughout scandals and fights and everything else highschool kids be beefin about. only one more year left! i'ma miss these kids soon haha.
signed sealed delivered