Wednesday, August 20, 2008

6th grade camp!

so yesterday today and tommorow i'm volunteering my time to help 6th graders familiarize themselves with my old middleschool Asa Mercer (cos i have 0 hours of com service!) It's crazy being back there, i haven't really been back since 8th grade and almost ready to become an adult it's surreal. Meeting new little 6th graders is so refreshing because they haven't been introduced to the real world or to problems, their biggest problem today was probably who gets to the locker first and if they can accomplish actually opening it. I've thought about being a teacher for the last year and working with these 6th graders made me realize how much more i'd be open to the idea if my career in the fashion/business industry didn't work out (which it will!) Funniest part of my day was learning what a Texas wedgie is, why they call it a TEXAS wedgie i dont know, but apparently it's when you drop a match in someones pants and pull up their underwear like a normal wedgie. pure comedy! i'm actually even more excited than today and tommorow to work with the little 6th graders. there's about 80 of them and i've got down almost all their names. community service makes you feeeeel good. i wish i would've started earlier. only one year left :(

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