Monday, June 30, 2008

heat causing pms?!

why is it Whenever a girl cops an attitude or gets mad guys automatically assume we're pms-ing. can't we just be mad because YOU did something WRONG not just having our time of the month. ha, it's quite funny (bt not when i'm mad) that guys are so simple, there is only one answer to all the questions in the world. lately, i've noticed boys have caught thee PMS syndrome, they act real crybaby shady and clingy especially they're tempers! if you ask them one too many questions, or for a legit reason they will get A. emotional B. extremely angry or C. guilty. it's all boys too, friends family and everything inbetween. maybe it's the extreme heat we're experiencing in rainy seattle they can't cope with new changes. don't worry boys, i'm not bggin on you. i still love you hairy beasts, just stop acting so much like females. thats why we keep you around, so we can get away from our bitter girlfriends every once in a blue moon. :)

-on a brighter note- i visited the aquarium today, 15 smackaroos for an adult, it wasn't all that exciting, i seen a giant octopus and some swiming seals. def wouldn't pay full price unless it was my first time and i didn't for either. :)

so i think i'm liking summer a whole lot this year. its been theeegreatest! i've never done so much in my life so my plans for the summer are don't worry so much about whats going to happen but what's happening right now,i think that's a good motto for my summer. on that note i'm going to go lay down watch some reality tv eat some watermelon and try to enjoy the heat. tommorows a new day, well see what comes along then. i got a good tan today too. things are just so happy happy joy joy.

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